Srishti Manipal provides a unique student experience that is truly holistic in its essence. A cursory examination of different curricula in the current world will reveal that they are dominated by certain words which become the spirit of the education that is provided by the institution. While these words continue to be part of the institution’s vocabulary in many forms of communication, they very often tend to lose meaning when they become a slogan, a brand or just rhetoric.
The integrity of the curriculum in Srishti Manipal is located in its ability to focus on practice, acting as the cohesive force that brings together different disciplines under its pedagogical framework. Practice is, simply put, achieving a perfect balance between mindfulness and making which, in Fransesco Varela’s words begins with “pushing away verbal reports to all forms of other techniques and explorations which requires a whole new methodology”.
The value of the Srishti Manipal student experience lies in its ability to provide strategies for the development of a non-egoistic self that can generate, empower and impact, creatively and constructively, the quality of life of communities inside Srishti Manipal, in India and in the wider World by flowing in and out of the following modalities: