
About the Library

The Srishti Manipal Institute, Art & Design Library serves as a reservoir of knowledge for the Srishti Community. The library collection is built to support the academic and research purposes of the institution. The library is well equipped with books, e-books, subscriptions to Journals, Databases, Magazines, Newspapers, and Research theses and is Wi-Fi enabled.  

The major impetus of SMI’s Resources, in their continually expanding mode, is to create a space to encourage doctoral students, scholars, faculty and students to learn and to conduct research in areas that are of their choice, often connected to theories and reflections of artistic and design practices. 

 These areas include Art, Design, Social sciences, Philosophy, Psychology, Religion and Mythology, Architecture, Textiles, Furniture, User Experience/Interaction, Art and Craft, Animation, Film and Photography, Literature, History, Performing arts, Biographies, Biology, Fiction, and related areas, among others. 

 Our resources are aimed at encouraging scholars to explore available resources in art and design and their possible disciplinary connections in areas as wide as technology and biotech to humanities and social sciences; this enables the scholar to devise a strategy to expand on the available resources using the Internet and various repositories that MAHE provides.  In addition, using the pathways provided, one can browse through the various online resources of both SMI and MAHE. Remote access to online resources is also facilitated.
Our Book catalogue and access to Online resources is available here:  

Library timings: 

  • Monday – Friday: 9 am – 5 pm 
  • Closed on Saturday and Sundays. 


Policy, Rules & Regulations

All staff and students working/studying in college are automatically enrolled as members. However, UG / PG / B.Voc students, PhD. Scholars, or staff who want to use the borrowing facility need to register in the library with their ID cards issued by the Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design & Technology. 

Faculty and students can issue books on producing an Identity Card issued by MAHE. 

  • If more than one student asks for any book/s at the same time, the student who makes the first application shall take the book and after he/she finishes reading, the next person can take the book/s. 
  • No student shall be allowed to take more than the allowed books at a time. 
  • Magazines and Journals, Reference books, cannot be borrowed and are for in-house use only. 
  • Issued books must be returned to the library by the due date.  Non-compliance with requests from the library staff for the return of the book and chronic defaulters may also have to face stringent disciplinary action (including termination of borrowing facility) as deemed fit by the Library Committee. 
  • All books/bound journals issued for home reading will be entered into the computer using the library software by the library staff. When the borrower returns the book/bound journals it is his/her responsibility to get the entry cancelled. If any book/bound journal is either damaged or lost by the borrower, they will bear the cost of the book/bound journal as per the current cost of the book irrespective of the edition. 
  • Any complaint regarding the issue of books, bound journals etc. shall be made by the students concerned with the Librarian in writin

The lending procedure for various users is as follows: 

  • Faculty – Total 10 at a time for 15 days. 
  • Staff – Total 2 books at a time for 15 days. 
  • Undergraduate – Total 1 book at a time for 15 days. 
  • Postgraduate – Total 2 books at a time for 15 days. 
  • Research Scholars – Total 5 books at a time for 15 days. 

 Reprography service is provided inside the library 

The new arrival rack is kept at the entrance where the newly arrived books are arranged. After one week the books will be shifted to the stack section. 

  • All books are to be used with care. The term “Book” also includes Pamphlet, Magazine, Journal, etc.
  • If a book while under issue to anyone be damaged or lost, the person in whose name the book is issued, will be held responsible for the cost of repair to the satisfaction of the Library Committee or replacement if the damage cannot be satisfactorily made good or if the book is lost. In the case of irreparable damage to or loss of a book which cannot be replaced, the Dean and the Chairperson, Library Committee will decide the amount of compensation to be paid.
  • Readers in the library are prohibited from talking or conducting discussions among themselves. Absolute SILENCE is to be observed inside the library.
  • The furniture shall be used appropriately, keeping in mind what it is meant for. Any disfigurement of furniture in any manner is banned and shall be considered as an offence.
  • Readers in the library are not allowed to stretch their legs by keeping them on the table or other chairs.
  • The library is meant to be a place to read and gain knowledge. Hence, sleeping inside the library is also strictly prohibited.
  • Persons making use of the library should observe the regulations and general rules of good behavior as set forth by the college and/or university. Public display of affection in any form is banned in the library premises.
  • The students are not allowed to take their bag (s), inside the library. It shall be kept at the property counter near the entrance of the library.

The entire library, especially the reading areas, are under constant CCTV surveillance. 

Suggestion/grievance: –

  • If a member has a suggestion or grievance, he/she is requested to submit it in writing to the librarian.
  • Anonymous complaints/grievances will not be entertained.

Thippeswamy K
Srishti Manipal Inst. Of Art, Design & Technology
Email id:

Journals & Database Links Subscribed by the Institute

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