About Us

Our Promise

“Creative Competence – Ahead of the Curve”

With nearly three decades of building vibrant and resilient communities of practice, Srishti has developed a distinctive multi-dimensional approach to capability development and is committed to building creative competencies ahead of the curve.

Our Vision is to foster a community of practitioners who collectively work towards generating and sustaining creative impact across widespread and interlinked domains – for better tomorrows.

The Creative Moment

The recognition that we live in a world that is becoming increasingly connected, networked and interdependent, and thereby more complex by the day has significant implications for how we intervene to produce better outcomes for all, for the present, and enduringly and sustainably into the future.

There is now a greater recognition of the need to change our methods and be inclusive, collaborative, and transformational. Together, these capabilities will make a creative impact on a broader range of societal transformation opportunities in a systemic, multidisciplinary fashion, driven by sustainable human-centric values and fully leveraging the interdisciplinary potential of art, design, and technology to realize better futures.

Collectively and individually, from entry-level practitioners to working professionals and advanced practitioners, we are engaged in creative impact making. This image of a world where creative impact making is widely practiced envisions an individual practitioner who thrives in an environment of proactive change and impact making, having a transferable portfolio of capabilities that empower effective performance in a wide range of creative applications.


SMI’s mission is to creatively impact and build new ecosystems that produce creative competencies ahead of the curve. Towards this mission, the institution entrusts itself with the role of producing capabilities through its professional, vocational and research programs and principles that include,

  • Anticipate emerging needs and opportunities and be future-informed
  • Challenge assumptions, uncover hidden opportunities, nurture proactive mindsets
  • Develop an expanded consciousness and holistic development of individuals and communities
  • Honour environmentally responsible and sustainable means to the Vision
  • Inculcate a strong belief in social justice and equal opportunity

Enabling Factors

  • Empower the learner to understand broader concepts of creativity, with the ability to anticipate and address change with an entrepreneurial spirit and confidence.
  • Encourage originalityinnate and acquired abilities, and creative interpretations in response to given requirements cutting across multiple social and contextual considerations.
  • Enhance understanding of dynamic domain requirements and promote collaborative work with multidisciplinary entities, as well as leading institutions from around the globe
  • Create opportunities for faculty and students to move beyond a simulated connection to the industry and respond to actual complex domain and societal changes.
  • Support the aspiration of functioning with flexible working norms and the freedom to explore and experiment.

Programs & Pedagogy

Our academic programs reflect the breadth of our vision. We are committed to catering to the whole spectrum and ecosystem of capabilities. Our programs offer opportunities to make creative impact at different levels of practice through capabilities developed in the areas of law, environment and policy, media art and sciences, education and development, and business and the humanities.

The learning process at SMI is transdisciplinary and draws upon the disciplines of art, design, and technology synergistically. Conventional perspectives on sense-making, problem-framing, and envisioning are complemented by new methods and approaches informed by the intersections of art, design, and technology.

SMI’s formative matrix of highly skilled art & design professionals, educators, scholars, researchers and a vibrant and engaged student body is deeply networked with local, regional and global communities. Dynamic exchanges with various networks ensure that the pedagogies offered through our programs are constantly renewed by our connections with these networks. We actively support and encourage the development of networks across a range of disciplines and that forge relationships, augmenting the impact made through our academic program
