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Creative Coding


“A computer is like a violin. You can imagine a novice trying first a phonograph and then a violin. The latter, he says, sounds terrible.
That is the argument we have heard from our humanists and most of our computer scientists. Computer programs are good, they say, for particular purposes, but they aren’t flexible. Neither is a violin, or a typewriter, until you learn how to use it.”
- Marvin Minsky

Interactive Graphics


The world is moving from a phase where technology changed the way we do things to a phase where technology is changing what we believe is possible. In this scenario, a creative approach to programming and its applications is essential; an approach where computing empowers - making information accessible where it matters and implements solutions using available technological resources.

There is an urgent need for people who are able to make and implement solutions that can be put to work.
The ability to “build” what has been designed or conceptualised and to build proof-of-concepts is becoming much needed.

Learning new tools and frameworks quickly as required is of high-value given the speed at which these are changing. Students in this course will be encouraged not only to gain proficiency in programming, but also to think about wider issues around the use of technology – open source vs. proprietary, privacy and security.

Sensor based aquaponics setup


Information Technology - IT enabled Services

The three years of this course align with levels 4,5,6, and 7 of the NSQF guidelines and creates skilled employees for the Information Technology - IT enabled Services.


The Creative Coding course is flexible, accommodating students from a variety of backgrounds and provides training that is relevant to a spectrum of employment and higher education opportunities. The course simultaneously develops specific capabilities, according to the occupational standards that have been articulated by the Sector Skills Councils (both NASSCOM in India, as well as the Sector Skills Councils of the UK and Australia).

The course begins with the basics of computer programming. It assumes no prior coding experience. The content of the course focuses on:

  1. Proficiency in the common constructs of programming using a suitable programming language – JavaScript or Python
  2. Coding for web and mobile platforms
  3. Reusing code (APIs and libraries) to build applications
  4. Procedural generation, management and manipulation of data and media
  5. Digital Fabrication and physical computing

Engaging with code and hardware enables the ability to creatively and effectively apply these various domains - manufacturing, medicine, urban planning, sustainability, animation, government, biology, history, education, art, design.

Controlling rain through a brain sensor!

Course Structure

The core principles that govern the design of the unit are as follows:

  • Mastery Learning with Guided Practice breaks down competences or skills into subskills, methods and techniques. Through targets taught through modelling and direct instruction followed by guided and independent practice, mastery of core competences and skills are achieved.
  • Work Related Learning is the co-design of opportunities/projects by industry based professionals or employers or other stakeholders on the one hand and faculty on the other. Guided and facilitated by mentors this space allows for future employers to participate in the learner’s journey.
  • Industry Linkages includes both exposure, orientation and direct interactive learning in real time contexts. This is towards specific jobs and roles, as well as work experience within each course’s respective industrial sector. Linkages between academic institutions and creative industries is inclusive of both economic and social benefits of innovation.
  • Fab. Ateliers builds on the values of thinking, modelling and making to challenging design contexts drawn from indigenous knowledge and / or tools from digital technology
  • Public Labs are open spaces that foster DIY thinking along with citizen science and other initiatives to build a culture of learning that is self-initiated, independent and collaborative. Public Labs are open to all learners for purposes of self-study, learning, archiving and developing personal interests in technologies
  • Bootcamps foster accelerated learning of concepts, skills and technologies that are directly linked to either employable, entrepreneurial or livelihood based skills. Working through immersion, with a focus on hands-on problem solving and peer learning rather than instruction
  • Hackathons can range from competitions or events over days to half-day jams or a one day hack-fest. This format encouragesbrainstorming, pitching of concepts, working in teams and also planning projects as well as development of prototypes.

Experimental data visualization.


Creative Coding offers a pathway that students can choose to pursue



Industry News

OpenAI GPT-4 surpasses ChatGPT in its advanced reasoning capabilities.



Coding can be thought of as the use of algorithmic thinking to solve problems. Creative Coding goes beyond this – it includes exploring the possibilities made available by coding and technology and applying them creatively in areas such as media and product design.

If you are keen to have an impact on the world by publishing mobile apps, digital games, expressive visual art, interactive websites and robotic devices, this course is a perfect platform for you. If you are an artist, designer or any other professional in creative industry who want to start using programming in their practice then this course is your best choice. You will learn to code by making amazing things!

In this course you will learn to use technology to prototype ideas and implement them. You will learn to use a wide range of technologies / languages and will become skilled at picking up appropriate tools to solve problems. You will choose which areas you want to gain expertise in depending on your inclination and interests. Building objects in collaboration with artists / designers to show proof-of –concept will be accessible to you.

This course will enable you to work with start-ups, as well as enterprises of a creative, social and educational nature which use and implement technology at their core. You will be able to wear multiple hats, as someone who ideates and conceptualizes or who is technically capable of executing ideas. You will be equipped with the capability to learn tools and frameworks that help you create your own niche or to seek self-expression by blending art and technology to produce data art, information visualizations or data journalism and more.
This course will also open avenues for higher education in art, technology and design.

Creative Coding is one of the most exciting ways to learn programming. In comparison to the traditional computer science courses, the emphasis here is on learning how to use programming for creative purposes. A unique aspect of this course is a learning approach which allows for a wide range of personal and creative explorations.

The Creative Coding course also emphasizes working closely with people from industry. This allows you to gain industry relevant skills and habits.


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